(Official website) Old people wear flat shoes are more injurious
From the physiological point of view, from the elderly to the elderly, there will be degenerative aging changes in the plantar muscles and ligaments, loss of elasticity of the arch, and a significant decrease in weight-bearing capacity. This is also the main reason why older people stand or walk for a long time and easily feel pain in multiple areas such as foot, ankle, knee, hip, and waist.
If you often wear flat shoes, it may promote the loss of elasticity of the arch, and it is not conducive to weight-bearing and walking in the elderly. Physically speaking, non-heeled shoes have the greatest directional rotation, which is the worst stability, and it is easy for the elderly to control the stability of the body in a hurry, resulting in falling or causing various injuries to the muscles and ligaments in the foot. Anti-shock point of view to wear flat shoes will also reduce the anti-seismic capacity of older people's feet, coupled with the loss of function of elastic cushions such as spinal intervertebral discs, standing or walking time is too long, but also easily lead to dizziness headache and other discomfort.
Therefore, the elderly should wear shoes with a certain height followed by 1.5 to 2 cm. This will not only help maintain the formation of the arch and anti-shock ability, but also limit the excessive directional rotation and enhance the stability of activities.