[China Glass Network] This new marketing model of network marketing. E-mail, search engines, pop-up ads, etc. have become emerging advertising methods, making the company's marketing tools more accurate, and greatly reducing marketing costs; however, we see that many companies are enjoying the benefits of emerging network technology. At the same time, but lost the direction of marketing, there are many misunderstandings about online marketing. Rhinestone Cup Chains,Rhinestone Shoulder Chain,Rhinestone Cup Chain Gump E-Business Firm , http://www.zjrhinestonetiara.com
One of the misunderstandings, the click rate is king. The most important criterion for measuring the popularity of a website on the Internet is the click rate of the website. Websites with high click-through rates represent a wide range of customers and are highly popular with the society, making them more attractive to venture capitalists and helping companies to increase their influence in the industry. The click-through rate of the website is so important that some companies have adopted various unconventional methods for online marketing. According to an online survey released by the Beijing Network Industry Association, tens of thousands of Internet users reported to the Association that their computers were forcibly installed, were held by browsers and could not be uninstalled. In fact, Internet users who suffered from such intrusions Far more than this number. The common feature of these unconventional network marketing tools is that they are forced to pass product information to consumers at the expense of consumer interests.
We must be clear that the ultimate goal of marketing is to gain consumer loyalty. When the marketing methods of the enterprise harm the interests of consumers, such marketing must be a failure.
The second misunderstanding is the lack of two-way communication. Internet technology provides a new form of communication between businesses and consumers. Electronic journals, blogs, and RSS are increasingly used to communicate with businesses and consumers. These channels are very effective in conveying the information that companies want to spread. However, unfortunately, many companies are keen to pass on their information to consumers, while ignoring the use of Internet technology to encourage consumers to actively communicate with the company.
The third misunderstanding, online marketing is the bidding ranking. Many companies seem to understand network marketing, Google, Baidu's great success, making "bidding ranking" almost become synonymous with network marketing. We must realize that online marketing is a systematic project, not just to bring consumers to the corporate website through website advertising or bidding. What aspects of content are consumers interested in? Can you quickly find the information you need? What is the depth of his browsing? Which pages are more consumer-focused? How many consumers are willing to leave their contact information? How often is the member browsing the website? What is a group of more loyal members of the company? Issues such as these are all aspects that must be addressed in online marketing. Real online marketing must be integrated into all aspects of the entire marketing chain.
Indeed, in the online community, consumers can not only easily access the product information they are interested in, but also share the experience of using the product with other consumers. But it is also easy to misunderstand.