The office high compartment is a non-load-bearing structure that provides an indispensable highlight for interior decoration. The high compartment is made up of tempered glass and stainless steel or aluminum alloy profiles. The transparency of tempered glass provides office space. Linear, high compartment is a temporary, fixedly mounted, removable partition. It has two main features: front, easy to install, easy to disassemble, and reusable. Second, the customer's needs can be moved to change the layout of the indoor space.

The use of glass partitions In daily life, glass partitions are mainly used for the partition of offices and industrial plants, but the decoration and decoration of the home is not uncommon, so it is suitable for any environment.

The function of the high compartment gives different functional zones to different types of glass. It has the advantages of soundproof high compartment, fireproof high compartment, impact high compartment and other office high compartments. 1. Easy installation, simple disassembly 2. Fire prevention Good sound insulation performance 3. Low carbon environmental protection, reusable 4, good lighting performance and strong decorative effect

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